Where champions play and memories are made – Welcome to the CAP!

By: Chandler Brittain/

Howard Payne University has always dreamed of having its own intramural field, a place where students could play and create lasting memories. After a few months of planning and fundraising, that dream finally came true. 

The Carter Athletic Park, known as the CAP, is HPU’s new intramural field. A modern and versatile facility it boasts with turf grass, commercial lighting and field lining for various sports and activities. 

Students have already started utilizing the field the best that they could. It has become a place for all kinds of recreational activities, from spikeball and flag football to ultimate frisbee and wiffleball. The CAP  has become a place where students from all different backgrounds have come together to expand the sense of community beyond the classroom.  

Jake Lehrer, intramural coordinator, said that with the new field only being a walk away from where on-campus students live, it provides more convenience for both players and spectators, no longer having to share the athletics practice facilities.

“With the new field, we are also able to have a set place for referee training, and the office of student experience is able to have an official place for their outdoor events. I believe these components are great for the HPU student experience and adds to the campus as a whole,” said Lehrer.

The field is set to host the upcoming wiffleball tournament, flag-football season, cornhole season, ultimate frisbee tournament and a spikeball tournament this fall. This new addition to HPU not only provided a space for physical activity but it also provided a space on campus for fun and enhanced the overall student experience. The intramural field stood as a testament to the university’s commitment to student life and well-being, enriching the campus culture for the future years to come. 

Lehrer noted a few other changes, hoping to put a fresh look on HPU intramurals.

“We have changed intramurals to only Thursday nights. We are also trying to navigate how long a sport should last. This allows us to host new sports, and see what works and what doesn’t,” he said.

Lehrer added that the HPU grounds department is managing the lawn maintenance 

ensuring that the intramural field remains in top condition for seasons throughout. 

“They are the ones who seeded the ground, mow the field, and even line the field for each sport we will host. They have gone above and beyond for HPU intramurals, making sure we have a great environment for students to play our sports.”

Intramural flag football is currently in season, and after that Lehrer said there would be a night of ultimate frisbee on the new field. 

“There are options to introduce more outdoor sports to intramurals. The new field really adds to the HPU Campus, and the students recognize that. They appreciate a space for activities directed toward them. Additionally, we have received great feedback from having intramurals only one night a week, giving them more time in the week for other events, homework, classes, and other things,” said Lehrer. 

Staff writer, Chandler Brittain


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